22 October 2006

L-O-N-G Weekend


It’s finally here, the long Deeparaya weekend. Four days away from work and the dreary office, with time that is just waiting to be filled with things to do. However one thing about such long breaks is that it often starts off with a lot of promise, with my head filled with tonnes of ideas and plans, but as always good times have a knack of slipping away quicker, and I always leave it too late (like till the last evening of the break) to hurry through the chores that I have time for.

Well, while I am writing this, Saturday is almost gone. Spent the morning catching up on sleep and in the afternoon had a game of hard court soccer with the guys. The game came to an abrupt end when poor Edwin twisted his ankle when he landed badly after a jump. Looks like he will be out for weeks. So much for our Weekend Warrior regime.

Would not be going back home as I expect the jam to be pretty bad on the roads with the ‘balik kampung’ phenomena taking place. Let’s see, places to go … there’s Vivocity. The latest shopping attraction located at the former World Trade Centre side. Was just there yesterday to catch, no-prize-for-guessing, World Trade Centre. The place definitely deserves another look. And if the haze is not too bad, maybe will take a trek up Bkt Timah hill with Vicky.

Things to do … well there is some cleaning and tidying required in this sty, I mean room of mine, Norman is dropping by for a visit, maybe catch up with Wee Loong (hmmm …DOA?), and Vicky will also be busy when her mum and cousin’s family arrive for a short visit. And there is a raya house visit on Tuesday, plus books to read, stuff to buy and information to find out. Three days left. Only procrastination (and sleep) stands in the way. Ok, let’s start tomorrow.

To all Muslim and Hindu brothers, Happy Deepavali and Selamat Hari Raya Aidil Fitri.


"Time sneaks up on you like a windsheild on a bug"

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