01 November 2009

Awaiting the stork

My friend once told me that planning for a wedding was a 'stroll in the park' compared to the sweat and tears that accompanies the coming of the baby. The emotion runs much deeper, the preparation never stops even after the stork arrives, and the dent it leaves on your pockets might need a 'rescue package' to tide over. Okay, I exaggerate, he did not quite put it in the same exact terms but he was quite serious when he asked me to enjoy the 'honeymoon' while it last.

Well our preparation journey is almost coming to an end now. We have listened to advice from many a mothers, enrolled in 'Baby-101' class, and bought up a room full of baby stuff. The anxiety and excitement has not really set in yet, but it will crank up in the next few weeks as the day approaches.

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