27 October 2006

Welcome back Blue Skies

Finally, the blue skies are back and the sun is no more a distant orange glow in the sky. The heavens are pouring too. And most importantly the Haze has been reduced to a PSI statistic of below 30.

Must thank the person(s) who did the rain dance, or maybe it was God himself who decided to let loose the Northeast Monsoon earlier than expected. Anyway let’s hope that the trees are now too wet for another bonfire. As for progress, we can only pray that our ASEAN leaders can hammer out some effective action plan in the coming ministerial meeting on the Haze.

It is back to work after a lazy long break. A short work week too, and even before you can blink, it is the weekend again. Talking about work, I’m feeling so unmotivated nowadays and often find myself dragging my feet to the office. Then at work, it seems that I am just going through the motions, like a puppet on a string, while daily issues and external circumstances control me and my time. Something in me wants to take charge and stop the tide, but this little voice soon fades out when things start to overwhelm. I know I must put ‘first things first’, set smart goals, change my mindset, bla bla bla, but sometimes it is easier to just let things be.

While I write this, the poster in front of me reads, “Attitude : Even if the world is coming to an end tomorrow, I would still plant my apple tree.”. Maybe I just have to find the reason why I want to plant the darn tree in the first place. Maybe I just have to convince myself that I’m doing it for me, not the company or anybody else. Maybe work has become stale, maybe … I can go on and on here, but let’s cut the rant and get some sleep. Maybe my subconscious (or unconscious mind) can reveal the answer to these mysteries.

Signing out. Sweet Dreams.


“-What power would hell have if those imprisoned here would not be able to dream of heaven?”
Dream to Lucifer and the citizens of Hell, in Preludes and Nocturnes

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