12 July 2005

One week at a time

Time slips. Very Fast.
So before more time slips through my fingers, here's a short recap of my previous week.

Movie Marathon.
It started off with a normal Monday night. The usual TV fanfare was on , Desperate Housewives followed by Las Vegas. Decided to watch 'Naruto - the Movie' instead on my 14 inch TV. Played like one of the Naruto episodes where Naruto and his team mates goes off somewhere for an adventure, Naruto attempts to befriend a lonely character who initially hated his guts and brashness, Naruto eventually wins her over with his 'never-say-die', Naruto takes a beating and still fights on, Naruto beats the big baddie with one of his speciality move, all this while his other side cast er .. I mean team mates watch, prance around and fall over the place as usual.

Tuesday night, watched 'LOTR's - The Return of the King'. Had bought the Trilogy VCD earlier at IMM. Called it a night after the Ghostly Oathbreakers decided to rid Minas Tirith off its filth.

It was another two rounds of movies in the weekend. On Saturday, watched 'War of the Worlds' with Vicky at Marina Square. A good watch if one do not expect modern-aged body-snatching aliens and can tolerate annoying little kids with a knack for screeming, arguing and running off at every given opprotunity. A good family drama though, true to the classic tale.

On Sunday it was 'Fantastic Four' with Wee Loong and Patrick. An entertaining popcorn movie with lots of humour and special effects. Love what they did to Ben Grimm. Not a classic but maybe worth a weekday tikcet price($7) instead.

Now Reading
Got a few books on my hands now. Got to stop going to the Library just to make sure I finish my current stash before moving on.
About one fifth through Spore's founding father's 'From the Third World to First'. Also just finished Robert Jordan's 'the Shadow Rising', fourth book in the Wheel of Time Series, and now moving to the fifth, 'the Fires of Heaven'. My new book, Paulo Coelho's 'the Zahir' is still waiting for me.

Time off
My parents and younger sis are now in Bradford, UK while I blog. They'll be visiting London and then Paris next. Well, my parents do deserve the break and trip out of M'sia. This is their first time out of South East Asia. Wish I was there though. But will probably only disrupt their holidaying plans by insisting that we spend more time in Manchester.

I will be going off on a mini trip this weekend though. Heading to Frasers Hill with a few friends just to get away from the bustle of the city. A short refreshing break in the clouds will definitely clear the brain clogs and lower the blood pressure ... I hope. Will blog more about it when I return.

Ta ta ...

"Arise, airse, Riders of Theoden!
Fell deeds awake: fire and slaughter!
spear shall be shaken, shield be splintered,
a sword-day, a red day, ere the sun rises!
Ride now, ride now! Ride to Gondor!"
Theoden King of the Mark


blucat said...

hmm.. a blogger after my own heart.
lotr - great choice
wheel of time - another good choice though my head started losing alot of the different characters when i finally reached the latest book, 10th if i'm not mistaken

ah great king of rohan.. i would say one of the most successful film characterisation of the original character from the book. absolutely captured what he was meant to be i thought..

have a nice read :)

benauhc said...

hey silau, when are you returning to good old S'pore ? Don't turn Boise upside down while you're there , ok ?

hi blucat, tolkien fan eh ? read the silmarillion ? great book. took a break from Robert Jordan to read harry potter.