05 July 2005


Whoa, July is here. That means I'm half way through 2005 and I've not started with any of my resolutions. This blog does not count as it was a spontaneous act. Hmmm to think of it ... did I make any in the first place ? *scratch head* Anyway I just know that 2005 has slipped by too fast for me, better make each day count before I get any older. Not too late to make resolutions I hope ...

Oh yeah, had read this book by Colin Cheong called 'Tangerine' , supposed to be a 'Singapore Literature Prize Winner' in 1996. Chanced upon it at the New Book Section (well it was a 2005 edition) at Jurong Pt Library. It was by the entrance and I was returning a book when I found it there. A very good read. A Simple story, you see the tale through the eyes (and mind) of our main character, Nick, as he travels through Vietnam, experiencing the people and place while discovering himeslf in the process. It is a tale that many including me can relate to. Here are some wonderful excerpts from the book.

On friendship.
" The feeling had begun at Nee's wedding. But it had not been for her nor for fact that she was married. It was for the company that sat around him. They were all friends from college, student councillors who had shared a year so intense they thought it would bind them all forever. But they had been only 17 then and they sat together that night at 28, bound by a common thread so thin it was gettihng hard to see why they were still invited to each other's weddings. No one was unfriendly, no eye or heart was cold, but the distance was showing. They has all moved on,experienced other things as intense or more so, with other people. Few kept in touch regularly and weddings had become a rallying point for most ... "

On experiencing humanity in travels :
"Nick was really sorry he knew no Vietnamese and wished that he could say more than his name, his destination, his country and his age. But a kind of camaradarie had formed among the passengers and he was included. Even though no words were exchanged, Nick felt good about it and realised after a while that he had not felt lonely since leaving Saigon ... He was still a foreigner and an object of curiousity, but he was no longer a stranger to them after 14 hours, four pee stops, two meal stops and a very trying ride. "

tangerine book cover

Dreaming of Vietnam now ...

1 comment:

hot choc said...

eh...i still don't know ur new company's name.