21 June 2006

The Bag is Back

They finally found my ‘AWOL’ bag. The Swissport officer called me last Thursday night to inform the news. She even had the cheek to tell me that it had been sitting in their store room since end May and asked me to come collect it. I promptly reminded her that they had lost it in the first place and that it was their responsibility to send it over to me. So they had it delivered to me the same night.

Must be like what Helen Hunt felt when her long lost Tom ‘Castaway’ Hanks was finally found. Nah … couldn’t be. I had long given up on finding the bag and was just hoping to get the compensation. Had already bought new toiletries, clothes, shoes, battery charges, so on and so forth; so now what do I do with another set of personal items? The only plus point is that I can finally return the bag to my friend who has been quite patient with the whole situation.

Here are my take on the guilty parties :

1) Tiger Airways : Total hands-off approach. Pushes responsibility to airport handler and loss adjusters. You can forget about any upfront compensation.

2) Swissport : Bumbled with my luggage in the first place and again when they left it in the store room for two weeks until they were asked to check. Only redeeming quality is the customer service which is well manned, though not with the most efficient people.

3) CTC Services, the Loss Adjusters : Just took too long to work on the case and to reply my mails.

I will however still press on for partial compensation from the guilty parties for having to buy replacements and for disposing my jeans and shoes as they reeked of 2 months long mud stains (courtesy of Sa Pa).


SoupLad said...

they must have been gasping while removing ya well-preserved pair of jeans and shoes...

Norman said...


benauhc said...

souplad, I disposed those stuff myself. it was quite a stench.

norman, kind off, there's still more work and waiting if I decide to make further claims.