01 August 2006

Words to Ponder

Here’s a breather from my usual entries. Something ‘Cut-and-Paste’ from Oriah’s Prelude in her book The Dance. Do take time to read if you have the time.


What if it doesn’t matter what you do but how you do whatever you do?

How would this change what you choose to do with your life?

What if you could be more present and openhearted with each person you met if you were working as a cashier in a corner store, or as a parking lot attendant, than you could if you were doing a job you think is more important?

How would this change how you want to spend your precious time on this earth?

What if your contribution to the world and the fulfillment of your own happiness is not dependent upon discovering a better method of prayer or technique of meditation, not dependent upon reading the right book or attending the right seminar,
but upon really seeing and deeply appreciating yourself and the world as they are right now?

What if the task is simply to unfold, to become who you already are in your essential nature – gentle, compassionate, and capable of living fully and passionately present?

What if the question is not why an I so infrequently the person I really want to be, but why do I so infrequently want to be the person I really I am?

How would this change what you think you have to learn?

How would this shape the choices you make about how to spend today?

What if you knew the impulse to move in a way that creates beauty in the world will arise form deep within and guide you every time you simply pay attention and wait?

How would this shape your stillness, your movement, your willingness to follow this impulse, to just let go and dance?


We can easily forgive a child who is afraid of the dark; the real tragedy of life, is when men are afraid of the Light.

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