02 January 2008


Allow me a moment to wallow in nostalgic stupor ... with an old song about change and Peter Pans.

I guess it's a good time to reflect on the year that just past. So here goes...

It's been a year of many firsts ... first visit by my family to my new place, first housewarming, first trip to China and Australia, first meet up with old Infineon collegues in a long long time, first trip up the Malaysias east coast and spending the first year in my own home.

Of course there were the changestoo, the most significant would be moving to my new job. I guess the closing down of my old company was a blessing in disguise as it made me look beyond my shell.

There was the usual wedding dinners too and regular meet-ups with friends. And I took up a new past-time, ie. adopted 10 tetras (now down to 6) but is slowly losing interest. Stepped back from blogging a little as other activities and distractions took centre stage, among them is the ever addcitive facebook. Found time to photograph but mainly during functions and trips.

Well for the next 364 days, I hope to always keep in mind to live my best life now, today. Not tomorrow. Not 'someday'. And to remember that God makes all things possible for those who dare to dream and believe. And of course I hope to find more time blogging too.

So have we outgrown our Peter Pan and wings? Certainly not!

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