25 January 2008

Snowy Midwestern Encounter

Winter's Day in Kokomo 5

Just came back from my maiden trip to the US on Sunday . It was a 29 hour long trip back to good old Singapore.

Over there, I got to see snow up close for the first time and then got numerous chances to scrap it off the car's windscreen after that. Not much sightseeing in the quiet little town of Kokomo, just lots of steak dinners and shopping at Walmarts and Targets. Will post up more pictures soon.


Beer Brat said...

Welcome back...

One sheepish confession, i have never seen real snow before.It's true.. haha

hot choc said...

did u slide down any slopes?
bought any candies? (namely reese's peanut butter cups!!)

benauhc said...

bb, maybe that will be your next travel goal.

louie, kokomo is mainly flat, no slopes or hills around. and the snow was too thin.
didn't buy candies, just gum.

SoupLad said...

Off the Florida Keys
There's a place called Kokomo
Bodies in the sand
Tropical drink melting in your hand ..............

that's my impression of kokomo....

btw, did u catch the movie Kite Runner? the book that was reviewed by you in ya blog a couple of years back...

the movie left out quite a bit from the book

benauhc said...

yeah, heard about the movie coming out but haven't caught it yet. doubt it will be as good as the book.

anyway I'm reading the other book from Khaled Hosseini now - A Thousand Splendid Suns.

SoupLad said...

will be reading that after finishing "black swans"

btw, congrats. Nice wedding pics