27 October 2005

The Day of the Angry Red Zit

We all have our bad hair days or days which we dread being the unwilling center of attraction for some abnormal physical trait.

Today was that day for me. An angry red zit was sitting right smack in the center of my forehead. So as expected, stares were inevitable, so too were stupid comments and dumb questions.

Witty Colleague : “Oh, did you get hit by somebody ? Heh heh, must be your girlfriend.”

Colleague acting thoughtful : “Hmmm … must be stress or it could just be the heaty food.”

Well, can’t blame them, colleagues are among the most perceptive people around. Any boring work day certainly deserves a talking point to break the monotony. So nothing really escapes their eyes and news spread faster than one can recite the National Pledge.

Among the things that attract attention :

1) Wearing the same attire to work for girls. For guys, office fashion means rotating among a few coloured shirts, so they are usually overlooked.

2) New haircut, new hairstyle or new hair colour. You’ll get either gushing compliments or polite smiles.

3) An injured body part, an outbreak of skin rashes, or anything else that will make people feel glad they aren’t in your shoes.

Anyway here’s a lame zit joke to end this post.

Q: What do you call a zit on a blonde's ass?
A: A brain tumor.

1 comment:

Beer Brat said...

Haha. Can't believe I actually laughed at that joke.