11 November 2005

Babes of the 70’s – The Best of TV

You’ve probably read the e-mail about a post reminiscing about the unique memories that people(Malaysians) born in the 70’s share, aptly titled ‘For those 70’s babies’. It talks about TV shows, primary school days, projek susu segar, games we played and even lament about the how spoiled the kids are nowadays (our parents must have thought the same about us). Anyway that got me thinking and I decided to go on my own walk down memory lane, to reminisce about those good old TV shows we used to watch on our limited TV channels then.

Growing up we had only RTM (and later on TV3) to rely on for entertainment. There were the weekday afternoon cartoons, evenings’ Cantonese Drama Serials, after-dinners’ comedy belt, night time’s American TV Series, and weekend morning cartoons and Disney’s wholesome family movies. Well here are some of my favourites.

Cartoons - the daily staple of growing kids and my motivation to complete my homework (or no Cartoon of the day. Arrggghhh!!!). I grew up with classics like Rubik the Amazing Cube, Fat Albert and Friends, Smurfs, Jem!, Care Bears, Paw Paw Bears, and Muppet Babies.

Rubik - alien who got his head stuck in an ordinary Rubic Cube

And cult favourites like Thundercats, Silverhawks, Visionaries, Transformers, Masks, He-Man, Ultraman(not cartoon but have to squeeze it in somehow) , Voltron, Gummi Bears and G.I.Joe. Yeah, in those days you did not have to think hard to differentiate the good guys from the bad. And the good will always triumph before the half hour is up, unless there is a Part 2.

Lion-O and gang

Centurions. Power Extreme!

How about those afternoon shows like Electric Company, Sesame Street, Battlestar Galactica, Buck Rogers, Bionic Woman, and Little House in the Prairie.

Lindsay Wagner
The Beautiful and Bionic Lindsay Wagner

And who can forget those memorable TV series like MacGyver, The A-Team, Blue Thunder, Airwolf, Knight Rider, The Greatest American Hero, B.J and the Bear, The Love Boat and CHIPs.

A Team
Faceman, Howling Mad Murdock, B.A Baracus and Hannibal. One of the best shows ever!

Why don't our police get one of this Blue Thunders ?

The Greatest American Hero? But certainly one of the best superhero series.

The daily laughs would come from comedy sitcoms like Three’s Company, Family Ties, Growing Pains, I Dream of Jeanie, Cosby Show, The Jeffersons, Charles in charge, Cheers and Happy Days.

charles in charge photo
Charles in charge of our days and our nights ...

Brings back old memories huh?

Here’s one of the best theme songs ever from the Greatest American Hero. It makes the small child in us believe we could just take off and fly (and crash land !).

Look at what’s happened to me,
I can’t believe it myself.
Suddenly I’m up on top of the world,
It should’ve been somebody else.

Believe it or not, I’m walking on air.
I never thought I could feel so free.
Flying away on a wing and a prayer.
Who could it be?
Believe it or not it’s just me.

It’s like a light of a new day,
It came from out of the blue.
Breaking me out of the spell I was in,
Making all of my wishes come true.

Believe it or not, I’m walking on air.
I never thought I could feel so free.
Flying away on a wing and a prayer.
Who could it be? Believe it or not it’s just me.


Beer Brat said...

Yah.. it does bring back old memories... at that time my favs were usually cantonese series and action-packed ones like Airwolf, A-Team and MacGyver. Of course, tat's beside the cartoons. The whole lot of cartoons. Hehe.

Stop doing that to us, ben. Now I feel so old.

P/s: I still owe you tat meme... will come around to it.. soon... wat's the curse again?

benauhc said...

BB, at least some of these shows are still being shown at off-peak hours. Once they are totally removed from air, then we know we are really old. Abt the meme, hmmm ...

Stargazer, hold on to those memories.